Today, June 19th, is National Martini Day! It is also Hump Day! How do those go together? I haven’t a clue, but it doesn’t really matter, either is a great excuse to have a Martini. Actually it’s almost mandatory! Enjoy! Preferably Shaken, Not Stirred. 😉
H.L. Mencken described the Martini as “perfect as a sonnet” and Herman Wouk said a great Martini “sort of tastes like it isn’t there at all, just a cold cloud.” Outstanding endorsements!!
Always Celebrate Safely.
Remember the advice of Dean Martin:
“If you drink, don’t drive. Don’t even putt.”
The quotes above, and many more,
can be found on my “Martini Quotes” page.
And another way to see a Martini through the wisdom of a legend
Happiness is finding three olives in your martini when you’re hungry.” — Johnny Carson
Need I say more??? I think not .
And another way to Understand the value of a Martini through the naked eye:
If you can’t fix it with Duct Tape or a Martini, it’s not worth fixing ….
Need I say more??? I think not .